Home Theater Chat: With Brent Butterworth
DJ sits down with Brent Butterworth to just talk Home Theater. They get into all sorts of stuff including their Favorite Home Theater movies, Bose Sunglasses, Cycling, Laser Discs, Apple Music with Atmos and so much more. Before all that DJ responds to some listener comments and questions.
Brent Butterworth Links
Wire Cutter
Jazz Times
Sound Stage Solo
PODCAST Time Stamps
Listener Comments- 4:03
New Releases- 16:41
Movies and Scenes- 18:09
Brent Butterworth- 19:49
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🍿Movies & Scenes of the Week🍿
Big Trouble in Little China
Mark V on Twitter
“DJ needs to start talking about Big Trouble in Little China! Then Maybe they’ll release a 4K of that. See if they can improve over the Blu-Ray.”
🍿Thanks to:
Theme Music by Jeff Bernheart/Throne Vault Productions.